Fixed-term contract
Working at Headquarters
Open positions
Open-ended contract
Financial Controller - Cell 2
Open-ended contract Support Technique Avancé (Helpdesk)
Fixed-term contract
Verantwortliche:r für den Ausbau unseres Netzwerkes im Schweizer Gesundheitswesen
12 Monate
Open-ended contract
Chargé.e de Fabrication Marketing Direct
Fixed-term contract
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Flying Implementer
12 months
Open-ended contract
Operation Logistics Referent (RLO) – Polyvalent
Operational Communications intern
Fixed-term field contract
Mental Health Activity Manager (F/H/X) - Vinnytsia, Ukraine
24 months
Fixed-term contract
Comptable Polyvalent(e)
6 mois
Internship for Cell 4
6-12 months
Open-ended contract
Chargé-e de Marketing Relationnel Fidélisation
Fixed-term contract
Chargé-e de Marketing Relationnel Acquisition, Réactivation et Télémarketing
24 mois
Stagiaire pour l’unité digitale
6-12 mois
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Intern
6-12 months
MSF is happy to take on interns in the following three cases:
- Compulsory or optional work placements as part of a course leading to a diploma.
- Work placements undertaken after completion of an initial course of study (Bachelor’s degree, apprenticeship (CFC), vocational baccalaureate, etc.) to help interns choose a further course of study (Master’s degree, Bachelor's degree, etc.), subject to the relevance of the training being approved by the teaching establishment organising the next course.
- Work placements to facilitate interns’ entry into the labour market or help with social reintegration, within the framework of an official federal or cantonal scheme.
In all these cases, a tripartite internship agreement (between the teaching establishment, the intern and MSF) must be signed.
You can find more information on the website of the Canton of Geneva.
Internships offer are displayed in the list of positions to be filled above. However, if you would like to apply spontaneously, we invite you to do so under this link.
Internships are paid according to the types of work placements defined above. Unpaid internships are may also be offered, for a period of up to three months, if requested by the applicant in the covering letter.
Voluntary work
If you would like to support MSF by donating your time, we would be delighted to welcome you as a volunteer in our office in Geneva.
To send your application, please click on this link.
Spontaneous applications
For spontaneous internships or volunteering, please follow this link to get all the information. (Only in French)