Infosession to join our field projects

MSF staff in front of a rainbow in the Amazon region.

September 25, 2024 - 6pm to 8pm


Our teams around the world need support! Who is needed in MSF field projects? What does the recruitment process look like? When is the right moment to apply? What does MSF offer? During the information session you will have the possibility to ask these, and other relevant, questions about MSF.

Our staff will present the values and principles of MSF as well as their field experience. You will hear about requirements for field staff and what MSF offers. This session will also enable you to better prepare your application and eventual departure and clarify whether MSF is really right for you.

This session will held in French and will take place online AND in person:

  • If you are taking part online, please register by clicking HERE.
  • If you are attending in person, please complete the registration form below. You will be welcome to meet us at MSF headquarters at 140 route de Ferney in Geneva.