Webinar in French - All profiles

June 09, 2020 18:00 - 20:00
During the information sessions, our team will introduce you to the organisation with its charter, values, missions, types of projects abroad as well as the recruitment process and working conditions in the field.
During the information sessions, our team will introduce you to the organisation with its charter, values, missions, types of projects abroad as well as the recruitment process and working conditions in the field.
You will be able to ask your questions and learn more about the qualities and skills required to go on a mission.
Attending this session will also allow you to better prepare your application and possible departure as well as clarify if MSF is right for you.
The webinar is held in French. Via the chat function you will have the possibility to ask questions.
Please note that the information provided during the webinar is specific to MSF Switzerland. The recruitment process, requirements and minimum duration of a field mission may vary between different MSF sections.
Please note that before applying online to MSF Switzerland, it is necessary to either participate to one of our face to face information sessions in Switzerland (if you live in the region), or via one of our webinars. If none of these options are possible, you can also consult our online version.
Please consult the complete calendar of our information sessions in Switzerland.